Happy Birthday, Collin! How could I have ever known that a little man, that is now 6 years old, could hold my heart in the palm of his hand. Collin is the first of my many blessings. I am still in awe of how amazing he is and what a miracle he is.
His 6th birthday was special! He celebrated at school (May 28 was on a Friday this year) with his classmates. Gram brought sports-themed cupcakes for him to share. He wore the biggest grin around all day! One of the perks to being a teacher's kid is that just about everyone in the building knows it's your birthday. So, everywhere he went he was showered with, "Happy Birthday, Collin!" He popped his head into my classroom at one point and my entire class started singing, "Happy Birthday to you" to him...he felt like a celebrity!
Friday night at our house is normally spaghetti night followed by a pig pile. Things were different on this special night. We ordered pizza and celebrated his birthday along with Caleb's birthday (June 9). Gram, Dink, Brandie, Jason, and their kiddos joined us. They opened presents and played!
Last Thursday we took Collin and Caleb for a day just for them and their 6-year-old selves! We were going to go to Wet Zone, but it was raining, so onto Plan B we went. We went to Northpark Mall (yes, they chose this...keep reading). The boys wanted grilled cheese sandwiches from Sonic, so that's what they had! We let them chose where to have lunch and this is what they wanted. I guess their sandwiches are just that good!?! Then we played in a random toy store on the way to our destination, the Lego Store. I'm not sure who had more fun in this toy store, the boys or Craig. This store had tons of Star Wars things. Action figures, statues, alarm clocks, Christmas tree ornaments, light sabers, etc. Craig was in his zone!! To top it all off, there was a Batman statue and a Superman statue at the entrance to the store that the boys (yes, ALL the boys) had their picture taken with.
Once we reached the Lego Store the boys were overwhelmed! They ran from side to side, choosing between Toy Story, then Star Wars, then Treasure Island, and on and on. Their main goal, however, was to build more Lego men before they left. They could not do that fast enough! Their final selection was actually fairly easy, and a great decision. They filled large cups with various Lego pieces that they got to pick themselves. They got tires, and bricks, and windows, and flowers, and random other things. They were so happy!! They have been building with these daily since.
The last part of their birthday was new bikes! It is so awesome watching them ride big boy bikes up and down the street!
The past 6 years have been filled with more love than I can describe. I love you, Licious! Happy 6th birthday!
Happy Birthday, Collin and Caleb!