Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Ok, Olivia is 10 months old now. There is only so long I can blame the extra weight I am carrying around on "the baby". I wish I was one of those people that was just naturally skinny, but I am not. Instead, I am one of those people that love mexican food and could eat it for just about every meal. I try to eat it for just about every meal. However, mexican food and losing weight don't mix. Not with my body anyway. So, I am going to diet. For real. I will be grouchy and hungry and in desprate need of mexican food, but I am determined to lose a signifigant amount of weight. I will blog about my journey in hopes that my frustration, along with my happiness of seeing the pounds shed, will inspire others to either do the same, or encourage me along the way!


  1. I will stand by you each step of the way. BUT, there is an unwritten rule of motherhood that says you can say "I just had a baby" for 3 years after having a baby. Just sayin =)

  2. Girl I feel ya! I need to jump on the diet train too!!! I support you 100%!



About Me

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From Barbie to Batman is an appropriate title for this blog for numerous reasons. The obvious being that on any given day you will find at least one of our kids running around pretending to be a superhero, while another one is playing dress-up or playing Barbies. This does not fall into the gender stereo typical categories one would think, either. The boys enjoy dressing up just as much as the girls (high heels included) and the girls know more facts about Star Wars and superheroes than most adult men. That being said, we are a fun family full of adventures. It is time I share our stories so all may enjoy our crazy, blessed life.