Monday, July 19, 2010

live, laugh, love

We've all heard the familiar saying, "live, laugh, love". I think most of us have some form of the saying hanging around our house, thanks to Kirkland's. Instead of looking at this today and thinking how cute it was, I looked at it today and thought how true it was.
Craig's best friend, Dave's, father passed away suddenly today. The cause of his death is still unknown. My heart is in pieces for his family. He was a wonderful man. He was a huge part of Craig's upbringing.
I can not wrap my mind around the fact that no one was able to tell him goodbye. Not a final goodbye, anyway. I realize that death happend every day. And I realize that many times it is unexpected. This is just the first time that I have sat and really thought about how quick it can happen, and how so many things are left unfinished when it happens that way. The questions and things that will never be answered or said are just there....there's no conclusion to those.
I have no doubt that his family will be at peace with all of this in time. He was a man of God and I know the angels are singing today as they welcome him home. That makes me smile. I hope it makes them smile, as well.
All of my rambling brings me back to my original, laugh, love. We must live every minute to it's fullest. We must not waste time worrying about petty things, arguing for the sake of being right, and holding grudges because we're too proud to move on. Life is about living for God with the people you love, doing the things that honor HIM and make you happy.
We must laugh. The sound of my children laughing is my favorite sound in the world. It is the sound of happiness. As with all parents, if my children are happy, I am happy. Laughter is a must. Laughter is essential to our well being.
We must love. We must love one another as Christ loves us. We must love our spouse, we must love our friends, we must love our family. We must teach our children how to love through our examples and we must love them with every fiber of our being.
I thank God daily for the many blessings in my life. Today I have had a wake-up call that has reminded me that I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams and that in a second, it can all be taken away. My job is to be the heart of my home. I must see that all members of this home are living, laughing, and loving. My prayer is that I can set an example to each of my children that they will carry with them forever on how to live life to its fullest. When it is my time to go home to Christ, I want everyone that knows me to be able to say I lived, laughed, and loved.

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About Me

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From Barbie to Batman is an appropriate title for this blog for numerous reasons. The obvious being that on any given day you will find at least one of our kids running around pretending to be a superhero, while another one is playing dress-up or playing Barbies. This does not fall into the gender stereo typical categories one would think, either. The boys enjoy dressing up just as much as the girls (high heels included) and the girls know more facts about Star Wars and superheroes than most adult men. That being said, we are a fun family full of adventures. It is time I share our stories so all may enjoy our crazy, blessed life.