Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Craig!

Craig is 33! Woohoo! We spend the entire weekend celebrating! Friday night I threw a small party for him at our house. We ate BBQ and a Spiderman cupcake cake. I never though someone over the age of 10 could love super heroes as much as my husband does! He was so excited when he saw the cupcake cake was topped with a Spiderman that you can stick to a mirror, window, etc. (My awesome cousin, Alisha, surprised him with the cake!) We played games and enjoyed each others company. I am so grateful for great friends and family!
Saturday we purchased Craig's gift. He spotted this item a week ago and text me a picture of it while I was in New Orleans. The picture he sent doesn't do it justice. My reply was, "awesome," because the picture was awesome, but not AWESOME!
When I saw it in person I saw what all of his excitement was about. Captain America was life size and gorgeous! I'm not as into comics and stuff like he is, but being his wife, I have learned a few things about the subject. I am proud to say I can tell the difference between something cheesy and something cool. This was cool and AWESOME! So, needless to say, we are now the proud owners of a massive Captive America paining on canvas. It is so big that it would not fit in our car yesterday. Craig had to go back today, with everything cleaned out of our Explorer and seats down, in order for it to barely fit. The artist was even at the store for him to meet in person! We hung the picture tonight and it fits in perfectly with our super hero theme in the gameroom. I have to say, I think I've won some kind of "Wife of the Year" award for this!

Happy Birthday, Craig! I love you!

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About Me

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From Barbie to Batman is an appropriate title for this blog for numerous reasons. The obvious being that on any given day you will find at least one of our kids running around pretending to be a superhero, while another one is playing dress-up or playing Barbies. This does not fall into the gender stereo typical categories one would think, either. The boys enjoy dressing up just as much as the girls (high heels included) and the girls know more facts about Star Wars and superheroes than most adult men. That being said, we are a fun family full of adventures. It is time I share our stories so all may enjoy our crazy, blessed life.