Happy 1st Birthday, Doodle!
I can hardly believe that you are already one! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital. Each and every day you have brought joy beyond measure into my life. I love the sweet way you say, "momma". It is like music to my ears. I promise you that I will never forget the way you say it now. I laugh whenever I hear you say, "meow..." The way you move your mouth is cuter than anything I could begin to describe. I admire your independence, though I know there will be a time when I am not so fond of it. You are always watching your older brothers and sister, eager to be doing whatever it is they're doing. I can see the wheels in you mind turning, as you soak everything in. You are brilliant already, sweet girl. I can only imagine what big things God has in store for you!
For your 1st birthday, we celebrated at home. We had banana cupcakes(your favorite)with cream cheese frosting.I wish I could say you dug in and had cake everywhere, but you did not. You were very lady-like. We decided that you weren't going to take full advantage of your smash cake, so we gave you a cupcake instead. You enjoyed the icing (purple)and were successful in getting that just about everywhere. Daddy was on hand to stick you in the kitchen sink for a quick bath! You received lots of great presents from people that love and adore you. One of your favorite things to play with right now is Little People. You show off your brilliance, yet again, every time you play. Daddy and I got you a Little People's house. You have already figured out that the baby goes in the cradle and you keep putting the people in the beds. (I guess you feel they need a nap?!) You love pushing the button that makes the little doorbell ring, and the button that makes a sound like a toilet flushing. Your little face lights up with these sounds.
You are one special little girl, Olivia. I love you more with every breath that I take. I am so blessed that God chose me to be your mommy.
Thank you for an amazing year. Happy Birthday, Doodle.