Who knew that moving could be so stressful?!!? Dumb question, I know. I think everyone knows that moving can be stressful. I think the more important question is how could I possibly think that moving would not be stressful? I have been packing until I don't think I can pack anymore. I have thrown away bags and bags of random things and donated enough things to Salvation Army and Once Upon a Child that I could've opened my own little store. Yet, the stress is still calling my name loud and clear.
The thing that surprises me the most is how it's the little things that are the most stressful. I'm not stressed wondering if we've made a good decision, I'm not stressed thinking if I'm going to like my new neighbors. Nope, that stuff is not bothering me. I am confident that this house is wonderful and the people I've met seem nice, so far. I am stressed about what color to paint the walls. And do I want white bookshelves, or should I keep them brown? What about the couch...what direction should it be placed? Guest bath...hang up my mothers day gift, or sit it on the little table I plan to put in there?! Girls room, oh! Do I put the Dora kitchen on the back wall or by Tay's bed? See....crazy things. I am aware of that. However, these things are haunting me in my sleep! I am an organizer, a planner, a perfectionist. The fact that I can not simply close my head and see everything in its place is driving me insane! OCD? I think not! A tiny bit controlling? Nah! I know that in a little less than a month, everything will be in it's rightful place and I will then be able to sleep peacefully.
With 5 kids, there's never a dull moment in our world. Come along as we laugh, cry, and experience life in our own crazy way!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Happy Mothers Day!
I wanted to write about my Mother's Day sooner, but as our crazy days go, this is as soon as I could find a moment to remember a great day.
The kids spoiled me all weekend long! They LOVED it, too. All weekend they were telling me, "Happy Mothers Day" and hugging me, or kissing me. It was great! I hope they always love hugging and kissing me. Friday Collin gave me flowers he painted at school. Taylor made me a sweet book at school and a card with a handprint flower on the cover. She was so excited about the gifts that she gave them to me as soon as she hopped in the car! I also brought home a TON of flowers that my students showered me with for Teacher Appreciation. And although I received gorgeous flowers, none were as perfect as the ones from my babies.
Saturday was spent at Collin's soccer game, then at lunch with Gram and Dink at Burger House. That place is incredible! Their secret special seasoning is m'm, m'm, good!! Craig and the kids showered me with gifts later that evening...after being asked if I wanted to open gifts early, or wait until Sunday. Duh! Open gifts early! They bought me butterfly earrings from James Avery and they got me the statue things (nice description, I know) I've been wanting from Pier 1. I was one happy mommy!
Sunday was a very relaxing day. It included lunch at my favorite restaurant, Ojedas, and lots of love for mom. It was a very special day spent with my babies and fabulous husband.
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- frombarbietobatman
- From Barbie to Batman is an appropriate title for this blog for numerous reasons. The obvious being that on any given day you will find at least one of our kids running around pretending to be a superhero, while another one is playing dress-up or playing Barbies. This does not fall into the gender stereo typical categories one would think, either. The boys enjoy dressing up just as much as the girls (high heels included) and the girls know more facts about Star Wars and superheroes than most adult men. That being said, we are a fun family full of adventures. It is time I share our stories so all may enjoy our crazy, blessed life.